

I’m not just a guide but a dedicated cheerleader on your journey of self-discovery.
I have a super power to see your fabulouness. I use unique blend of ‘woo’ and a sincere commitment to your well-being, to help you feel your absolute best.
Specializing in empowering women over 40, my passion lies in helping you embark on a transformative quest to overcome all the changes your mind, body and soul are going through so that you can live your best life. The time is now, and together, we’ll seize this moment and make it truly extraordinary.

One to Ones



Think about it

Do you want this?

Do you want to feel fantastic over 40?

Do you want to feel happy in your own body?

Do you want to hear the whispers of your soul and raise your vibrational frequency?

Do you want to practice changing the way you look at things, so the things you look at change?

Do you want to know how to increase your self worth and love yourself more?

Do you want to make better choices around your health and well-being?

Do you want to know the next steps to take?

These are ideals and practices I hold near and dear to my heart.  Through my own method of transformation, I have come to believe these are the most important aspects to upping yourself worth.  I can honestly say I practice each of these ideals on a daily basis, and I wholeheartedly believe I can teach you to do the same!

Will these work?  I believe that ANYTHING is possible, and I’m living proof of that.

Something I believe is that anything is possible, and the first step to this is making a start.  No matter how small this might be. YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH

My Woo session with Ru-tee was absolutely incredible.  She is an expert space-holder and created a comfortable and supportive environment.  Ru-tee used her extremely professional expertise to help me tap into deeply rooted emotional issues that were being held in my physical body.  Through practices such as dousing, kinesiology, sound healing, and tarot, we worked together to release held trauma.  She works completely intuitively and I felt safe through the entire session.  I can’t recommend these sessions enough.  Do yourself a favor and book a Ru-Woo session today!

Laura Danelski

I love my set of custom sound healings, I use them every day as part of my meditation routine. Each one has an intention that we set and I’m still listening to them all 2 years later. They’ve helped me eliminate programs & achieve goals … just by listening to them. I’d recommend Ru-Tee’s sound healings to anyone that wants help to grow.

Sarah Joy

Ru-tee sound healing: a rare transformative journey thoughtfully guided with loving intention and sprinkled with magic.

Cindy Potter