
I just want to say: “If you have a goal, if you have a dream, just go for it because do you know what? It might actually happen!”

 I’m just going to take you back a few years… I remember maybe 10 years ago I was in a business seminar and you know when they say write out your ideal day? What would your ideal day be like? I have to say I did actually find that exercise super challenging.

At the time I was living in London and I was doing rehabilitation, personal training, kinesiology and functional medicine testing with my clients as well as running an online body transformation program.

 I really struggled with that question. I was living in a great place, had amazing friends but I just wasn’t happy doing it. I had amazing clients and I’d been doing what I was doing successfully for many years. However the thing I really wanted to do was arkkkkkkk. (Radio Silence) I didn’t know what that was! What I did know though was that I just didn’t feel free in London. I didn’t feel that I was being 100% myself. I felt restricted. I couldn’t put my finger on it but I just knew I wasn’t happy living in the UK and I was really questioning everything. I mean some of you might be there now doing that so you might relate to it. Or right now you might not relate to it, but you might do at some stage.

You know when people say they’re super happy; I just didn’t feel like that, I did feel grateful for what I had, I felt grateful for what I was doing, but I didn’t feel fulfilled. It was super stressful, to be honest. I was at this seminar hanging out with all these amazing people and I really had to sit with that. What is it you want? It was so uncomfortable because we had to do it as an exercise in front of everybody. Help! come on Ru-tee, what brings you Joy? What lights you up? What do you feel motivated doing? Everyone else was putting together these really big plans, big businesses, cars etc. I mean I did know I wanted to live in a White House and I did know I wanted to have an infinity pool but didn’t know where that was. I also knew I wanted to be able to wear a bikini every day and feel great in myself. If I was being perfectly honest with myself, that was the thing that was going to light me up and bring me joy.

I know it might sound strange, but it felt like a really freeing experience.

I remember one year I was in Ibiza. To be able to dance outside in a bikini just felt amazing. So I wrote on my list I want to be able to wear a bikini every day, and I want to go to the beach every day because, for me, the beach is definitely my happy place. There’s nothing nicer than getting up and walking along the beach first thing in the morning.

Setting intentions and gratitude every day is

a winner for me. I don’t mean a cold beach, right? I don’t mean Brighton Beach; I’ve done that before, and it did not feel like it feels right now being in Costa Rica and being on this beach in the Sun. Even in the rainy season, it’s still warm, right?

So I guess what I have now means I’ve DONE IT!

I wanted to be able to get up in the morning go to the beach in my bikini, and it’s really happening.

I know it’s a simple thing to say and writing it down was like only one sentence but actually making it happen does require obviously some form of manifestation, some form of imagining it, seeing it in your future (like what kind of bikini was I wearing) and knowing that it’s going to happen. And a considerable amount of inner work stripping away all those limiting beliefs.

 It does require you having the will to want it and the motivation to achieve it. As well as the effort and action to make it happen. For me, it required being brave. Braver than I had ever been before.

So what is it that you really want to have every day in your life that’s going to bring you joy? It doesn’t have to be like a life-changing situation like mine was.

What is going to feed your soul? You know the feeling where you do something, and you’re just like oh, that just feels really good.

What do you want to bring into your life that you can have that you do as part of your morning routine? Anything that is going to make a difference to how you feel?

Guess what? If it makes a difference to how you feel it’s going to make a difference to how other people feel around you because you’re going to be vibrating at a higher frequency. I really feel Life is all about vibration; it’s all about frequency and to feel happier in life, it’s all about consciousness levels, awareness, and raising your frequency. Being conscious about what it is you like and what it is you don’t like. The more we raise our frequency, the better we feel.

You might think well being on the beach isn’t for me but for me, it’s like a foundation principle grounding, being in nature. So every day when I get up and go to the beach (there are a couple of days where I don’t get to go to the beach) I wake up in the morning and I’m like “I’m going to go to the beach. Bam Bam we are going to the beach!” (my little rescue dog) We go early before it gets super hot. Nothing can beat that feeling of toes in the sand or that feeling of expansiveness. That feeling of seeing the vast outside space absorbing those negative ions. The beach feeds my soul, and yes, it was a journey to get here. Not only physically but emotionally mentally and spiritually. The reason why I’m sharing this story with you is because if I can do it you can do it. I’m no different than you! Well, we might look a bit different, you get my point though, you might have a different goal there might be something else that lights you up.

I knew that I never wanted to stay living in England. I knew I wanted to be in a hot country where I didn’t have to wear a jumper and not feel freezing. Where you’re being rained on all the time. I mean we do have a rainy season here… but you know so I made it happen!

Does this mean that my life is full of unicorns and rainbows every day? No, it doesn’t, of course not, because I’m not evolved yet ha ha ha. I’m still here as a soul having a Human Experience.

So if you have a goal, if there is something that you want, then I invite you to just sit down and write out one thing that you would like to experience in your life every day. That you know its going to make a huge difference to your life. Be brave and take that first step. Put it out ther. Just write it on a piece of paper and put it somewhere where you can see it. Tell your friends so they can hold you accountable.

I didn’t know what steps to take. That was too overwhelming for me. Once you put it out there and once you tell people about it I do believe the universe is on our side and it starts to conspire to put things in front of you that are aligned with the direction you want to move forwards with in your life. Part this is can be incredibly difficult, your ego might be kicking and screaming to keep you safe. At one stage, I was having really bad panic attacks and I couldn’t even get on a plane… (I forgot to mention that bit)

So was it worth it? YES! Hell freaking yes!

So tell me what your dreams are? Tell me what you’re going to write on your list?

I’m here in Costa Rica wearing my bikini as I write out this blog waving my pom poms for you!

Much love

Ru-tee xox